Monday, February 11, 2013

Kick start your child’s development with Karate

Physical, sensory, intellectual, emotional and social development all come into play
in the disciplined precise sport of Karate. When your child enters the Dojo they
learns to cleanse themself of the days matters, slip into their white suit and focus on
the principles of good character and attitude towards life.

Repetition of these traits brings the karateka’s approach to life to conscious mind.
They learn to take responsibility for their actions. This is a powerful perspective to
hold on life as it empowers them to own their life and lead it.

The physical and sensory benefits are extensive. The karateka will gain better
balance, co-ordination, quick reflexes, agility and strength. They will learn to trust
their body’s ability to move with accuracy without having to guide their movements
by watching every action. This is a result of their enhancement of their sense of body
position and balance, known as proprioception and vestibular sense respectively.

Muscle tone is boosted through the stretching elements of Karate. This means that
they will develop a better level of resistance in their muscles that provide a platform
to push against to make movements precise and rapid. Karate demands the co-
ordination of the two sides of the body which improves communication between the
two halves of the brain.

Intellect is brought into play as the katas demand memory skills and sequencing.
These are foundation skills for spelling, reading and mathematics. Commitment to
work towards achieving a higher level of skill teaches them to set goals and strive
towards them.

Obtaining a new level of skill feeds their emotional growth, self esteem and sense of
value. Through karate they will learn strength of character, effort, etiquette, sincerity
and self-control.

Bottomline: Karate packs a powerful punch in all aspects of your child’s

Shihan Norman Robinson

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