Dear JKS Dojo Heads
Warm Christmas wishes from our house to your house. Joy resounds in the hearts of those who believe in the miracle of Christmas. Wishing you all the peace, joy, and love of the season.May the Season be bright and the year ahead turn out to be just right. With warmest wishes for Good Health and Happiness. Christmas commemorates the birth of the son of God, Jesus Christ and truly, the world becomes a delightful place on the day. It sweeps the magic wand and the snowy outdoors and joyous indoors fills the heart of one and all. Let us share Christmas gifts ideas or suggestions to one another. To our enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, our heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To ourselves, respect.
Have a wonderful Xmas and a prosperous New Year
From: The JKS Shihankai
Norman Shihan would like to congratulate both Andre Shihan and Lourencia Sensei on their wonderful achievements in 2016. Andre Shihan has now been graded to 8th Dan and Lourencia Sensei to 7th Dan.
It takes extreme dedication and commitment, besides a lifetime of training to achieve this level of karate. Over the past two years they have both made tremendous sacrifices by having to travel through to my Dojo for intensive specialised training in preparation of these gradings. In 2015 they made their first attempt at the grading. However, it is extremely difficult to attain these high levels as the Japanese Shihankai are very reluctant to grade anyone to this high level. This year we did more intensified training on weekdays and weekends in preparation of their second attempt.
Andre Shihan not only passed a very gruelling examination under severe scrutiny to graduate to his 8th Dan, but also attained 2 gold medals at the JKS World Championships in Scotland in September 2016. He was also awarded the Sportsman of the Year for his contribution to the SA Defence Force. He is now one of four 8th Dan Westerners in the JKS Karate Federation worldwide.
Lourencia Sensei is the first and only female to attain the level of 7th Dan – worldwide – including Japan. A significant achievement and one to be extremely proud of. Lourencia Sensei is our Liaison with the JKS Administration office at the Honbu dojo in Tokyo. She has also been studying Japanese for the last 5 years and communicates very efficiently with the Japanese.
For me personally, this was an intense year of training to prepare them for the high level of these gradings. This has given me a wonderful sense of achievement to see them succeed. These two people will take JKS Karate South Africa into the future. Thank you to you both for your extreme dedication and the sacrifices you continually make to the development and betterment of JKS South Africa – we salute you!
Norman Shihan
Norman Robinson Shihan - 8th Dan
Chief Instructor, JKS South Africa